samedi 31 décembre 2011

Deus Ex: Human Revolution (or rather Deception...)

I never been into Western video games. I don't like their atmosphere, their graphics... almost nothing in fact. But I wanted to give a try to Deus Ex: Human Revolution since its promotion was quite good. Plus almost everybody was saying that it was the shit because of its revolutionary gameplay: a mix between Metal Gear Solid (for the infiltration), RPGs and FPS.

The developers weren't lying about the gameplay, it's obviously a mix between these genres. But it's not that revolutionary... The game is slow (the endless loadings between the different maps doesn't help), the graphics are too dark and redundant. Finally, the main character is ALWAYS doing the same things: computers hacking, computers hacking, computers hacking. Great... And what about some action? Sorry, but the shooting phases are boring as hell. Luckily, the moments of espionage and infiltration are kinda cool, plus the possibility to develop your skills in earning money and gaining experience points is pretty interesting. It's up to you if you want to extend your ability to hack computers or to enhance your aiming skills. 

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is full of good intentions but unfortunately fail to immerse us. Surprising since it's one of the game's main target!... The only revolution is in the game title. How ironic.

What's Hot:
-The enormous maps
-The numerous ways to face a situation (infiltration, murder, negociation... your choice)
-The evolution of your skills

What's Not:
-Average graphics
-A pretentious disappointing game
-Edgy characters

My rating: 3/6

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