mercredi 31 août 2011

What's your favorite memory from this summer?

Good question but really difficult to answer... I been through a lot of things this Summer, but if I had to choose one, it would be my recent coming to Japan in June. I'm living such a great experience even if it's not easy everyday. Friends, girls, drawing, studies... I mean life in general here taught me so many things.

I really would like to thank all the people I met here and who take care of me. I definitely think I live for people, my life would be so empty without them. So thanks again, bless you. Thanks to my family in Switzerland who support me the best they can. I ain't shit without you. To all my fans as well of course, cuz I know you follow me, you send me e-mails and show me so much love.

Finally my favorite memory's people: those I met, meet, will meet. Summer of 2011. One!

"In The Making": "Fly Me To The Moon III" (Fanart of Sailor Saturn) - Sketch (1)

Sailor Saturn (Tomoe Hotaru) is one of the most popular Sailor scout (if not the most according to all the feedbacks I did receive !...). Here's another artwork in the making, enjoy...


lundi 29 août 2011

Les Petits Boss "Cold Case" (Mixtape + Video Clip)

Bon allez, pour la peine un petit article en français! Je sais que j'ai la mauvaise manie d'écrire la majeure partie de mes posts en English (aïe âme ouorldwaïde), mais je me devais d'écrire en français pour annoncer que le retour des Petits Boss semble bel et bien officiel!

Mais qui qui c'est donc les Petits Boss? Trois représentants de l'âge d'or du Hip-Hop suisse aux côtés du Double Pact, membres actifs du collectif Fratra, Genevois, grands espoirs du rap suisse... qui malheureusement n'auront jamais connu le succès escompté. Pourquoi? Aucune idée, vraiment navré (donc si les concernés ont une explication à donner)...

Mais voilà, après plus de 15 années d'absence, Elie Eid, Loucha et Rubest ont décidé de remettre le pied à l'étrier. Pour l'occasion, l'album/mixtape "Cold Case" voit enfin le jour avec en plus le titre éponyme qui annonce le retour des 3 vétérans à la sauce 2011. Donc c'est gratuit, c'est très très bon, alors profitez-en. Autrement, il est possible de se procurer le combo t-shirt+CD des Petits Boss, le tout en édition limitée.

Bref, ne soyez pas bêtes: faites du bien à vos oreilles!

samedi 27 août 2011

Do you like to play video games?

I used to play a lot when I was young. My dad was a real gamer back in the days and was really into Japanese RPG and adventures games such as Zelda, Secret Of Mana, Illusion Of Time... I don't even know how many games he did beat, but a lot that's for sure. That's how I started to become a gamer as well, all because of my father ;)

But with time, my interest just decreased. I only play a few times right now, and most of the games are Japanese RPG. My favorite ones are Lunar (especially the "Eternal Blue" episode), Sakura Taisen, Xenogears, Valkyrie Profile, Shenmue, Yakuza (Ryu Ga Gotoku) and Persona 3.

Otherwise, I really like game music and composer such as Mitsuda, Kishiro, Sakuraba, etc. Much respect to their work.

jeudi 25 août 2011

Do you believe in karma?

Yes and no... I don't really know how to say, but I think that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people. At least I used to think that way... A lot of bad things happen to my relatives and they're like the nicest persons on this planet... So WTF...

Oh and I have a very good example: I'm a romantic, funny, handsome, smart and good person but I'm single right now. And you can see many assholes just across the street who are with the nicest girls in town. So nope, I don't believe in karma ;-D

(But these girls must be kinda dumb to stay with these guys lmao)

samedi 20 août 2011

Geos "LaVie.Com" f/ Lota & Segma (Video Clip)

I already wrote something about swiss rapper Geos a couple of months ago when his video clip "Yoss" did hit the Internet. His free mixtape "XtraOSdinaire Vol.1" will be available really soon (in September or October according to him) so stay tuned. The track "LaVie.Com" is featured on his free project. Enjoy!

vendredi 12 août 2011

I'm in the newspaper in Switzerland ;)

Even if I live in Japan right now, it's kinda crazy that swiss news talk about me, and more precisely about the illustration I drew for Soopafly. The press article is in the 20 Minutes, swiss most-read newspaper. After 3 years of drawing, I often been invited to radio, been interviewed... but only by specialized media which talk about manga or hip-hop. And it's the very first time that a general media talks about what I do. I don't know if I can talk about a "consecration" just like the journalist wrote, but at least it's a total pleasure to see that ;). Plus I'm on the front page!!!

I really wanna thank the people who made this new little step possible: Dogg Master, NX, the Mafia Canine/Doggyphunk Palace clique, Colt Seavers of, 20 Minutes, Soopafly and Pascal Kerouche (I talked about him to the journalist, but I wonder why he didn't write about him).

Of course it's in French, but... bonne lecture ;)

mardi 9 août 2011

random people that you don't know suddenly gives private messages...asking you draw something to soon as possible.....your responds..?

These kinda people don't understand that it takes times to draw an illustration, sometimes a LOT of times. They think it only takes you like 5 minutes and act really disrespectfully, considering you as a mere tool to realize their ugly ideas. I definitely hate that because I'm nobody's slave.

But it really depends if they are impolite or not. I don't know, it's not difficult to ask things in a polite way isn't it? But wow, sometimes people should get an education, for real. If I consider the message as "disrespectful", I directly talk about money, straight business minded (something I really don't like to do), or just ignore it. To tell you the truth, so many losers think they're the shit and that I should be honored to draw for them or that it would be a good way to promote my stuffs... It always happens with people doing rap music. That's really funny.

Anyway, I usually never hear of these guys again when I start to talk about money. I don't wanna draw anymore for disrespectful and broke people ;)

mardi 2 août 2011

"Fly Me To The Moon... II" (Fanart of Sailor Mercury)

2nd art of my "Fly Me To The Moon.." serie. I learnt to love Sailor Mercury (Ami Mizuno) in drawing her. Basically, I never really been a fan of this character, but she's just AWESOME in most doujins. Yeah, I like shy characters when they become horny, sexy... ;)