samedi 27 août 2011

Do you like to play video games?

I used to play a lot when I was young. My dad was a real gamer back in the days and was really into Japanese RPG and adventures games such as Zelda, Secret Of Mana, Illusion Of Time... I don't even know how many games he did beat, but a lot that's for sure. That's how I started to become a gamer as well, all because of my father ;)

But with time, my interest just decreased. I only play a few times right now, and most of the games are Japanese RPG. My favorite ones are Lunar (especially the "Eternal Blue" episode), Sakura Taisen, Xenogears, Valkyrie Profile, Shenmue, Yakuza (Ryu Ga Gotoku) and Persona 3.

Otherwise, I really like game music and composer such as Mitsuda, Kishiro, Sakuraba, etc. Much respect to their work.

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