mercredi 16 février 2011

Reminder : my video profile reached 1000+ views

Hi people! I really wanted to thank everyone who viewed, liked and shared my video profile made by 21lifestyles ^^! It really counts since what I'm doing in the vid (and in general as well ^^) isn't especially spectacular: I'm just talking about who I am, what I like and what I do. That's all! Plus I always say "and all that" when I speak English, that's such an awful habit. I should get rid of it as fast as I can (>.<).

Anyway, I wanna give a special shout out to Matteo Attanasio of 21lifestyles who did an amazing work, and to K-Murdock of Neosonic Productions for the background music.

And one more time: thanks to you! I'm nothing without your support!


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