mercredi 21 septembre 2011

Double-R "Against The Grain" (Video Clip)

Even if a typhoon's about to hit Tokyo, I'll take my time to write a little note about Rootwords & Redbioul's newest video clip: "Against The Grain". I think the first time I heard that song, same lyrics but different beat, was during a Rootwords' concert in Geneva, at Le Chat Noir. And damn, it was a long time ago, like in 2007 or 2008... I don't really remember, sorry bout that.

I know Redbioul for a little while, since 2007 I guess, and I always really liked his music, production wise. So when he told me this Summer that he was preparing a common project with Rootwords called Double-R, I was kinda excited about it. Root's one of my favorite "living in Switzerland" rapper. In fact, Bioul and Root are as talented artists as good persons. That's why I really feel what they do.

Anyway, please listen to this track and watch its amazing video clip. Double-R is Rootwords as the rapper, Redbioul as the beatmaker. Get ready!

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