mercredi 30 novembre 2011

"MOVE: B-Boy" (Artwork)

And here's a new artwork, shout out to all my Hip-Hop dancers! I drew this art for a Hip-Hop dance event held in Kabukicho (Tokyo) called MOVE. This art is one of the main element of MOVE's official flyer / poster. Please be patient, something even CRAZIER is coming ^^!

Here are the information concerning MOVE! If you're in Tokyo, be sure to pay a visit and have fun!





All Hip-Hop Dance style,

@Club AXXIS 新宿で開催!

◇Open 9pm 5am
ID checkアリ ◇




来るしかない!!! !


New Style Club Event for HIP-HOP DANCERS-!!


All Hip-Hop Dance styles welcome!

1st Edition on
28th of November at
Club AXXIS Shinjuku

Open 9pm
18+ ID check

Special Guest Performances


Come meet and bust a move with the best Hip-Hop dancers in Tokyo!!

Deejay Jul x DJ Cainfry "Da True Recipes" (Free Mixtape)

G-Funk and Bay styles are still alive! Well, they never died or disappeared in fact, but the Westcoast musical scene isn't that much successful lately... What a shame. Everybody's focused on... David Guetta Electro style... But Deejay Jul and DJ Cainfry are here to correct the tendency and decided to join their efforts to offer us a West-dedicated mixtape: "Da True Recipes" hosted by Homie Da Jedi.

Enjoy the whole recipe since Winter is coming: it ain't nothing like some Westcoast joints to feel warmer! Get that tape, it's good for your health!

Da True Recipes DeeJayJul/DJ Cainfry vol1 by DeeJayJul

dimanche 27 novembre 2011

DJ Vidy - "Underground Joints Vol.2" (Free Mixtape)

The young and motivated DJ Vidy is already back with another Hip-Hop mixtape: "Underground Joints Vol.2"! The good thing when you're a young cat (don't forget Vidy is only 15 years old), you have plenty of time to live your passion to the fullest. And Vidy surely knows hot to get busy! Don't forget you can still download the 1st volume of "Underground Joints" here.

As a huge fan of the producer 9th Wonder, DJ Vidy selected some of his hottest tracks for this new mixtape, plus invited some Swiss rappers like Basengo and Braccobrax to lay a verse here and there on 9th's instrumentals. Definitely a good idea.

Oh yeah, and it's free of course! Enjoy!

jeudi 24 novembre 2011

Black Kent: ingrat devant l'éternel

Nombreux sont les amateurs de rap français à avoir pris connaissance des embrouilles ayant dernièrement éclatées entre le rappeur Black Kent et son ancien label Allmade (dirigé par Driver et Jean-Pierre Seck). Entre ingratitude et égoïsme, c'est la frustration qui aurait poussé Kent à claquer la porte.

Originaire de Côte d'Ivoire, fils de famille aisé, Black Kent a de toute évidence scié la branche sur laquelle il était assis depuis environ trois années. Rappeur inconnu révisant ses gammes rappologiques à Bordeaux il y a de cela quatre années, le talent de Kent attire l'attention du rappeur Driver qui décide de le prendre sous son aile et le produire via sa structure Allmade. S'ensuit une ascension et un buzz aussi fulgurants que percutants, plaçant derechef Black Kent au rang de nouveaux espoirs du rap français. Des projets musicaux aussi originaux qu'efficaces font parler du sieur, tels que l'album en anglais "Yes I Kent" sur lequel sont invités des artistes de renom comme Corey Gunz et Bishop Lamont. Black Kent se démarque alors clairement de la concurrence via une direction artistique osée et originale.

La réputation que se forge Black Kent en juste l'espace de trois années est en grande partie due à son talent, à la fraîcheur de son style. Et au travail d'Allmade bien évidemment. En effet, en ces temps de crise de l'industrie du disque (et notamment du rap), le label de messieurs Driver et Seck avait réussi le petit exploit de faire signer leur poulain en major, chez Warner. Un suivi artistique de longue haleine, de grandes espérances et de grands efforts désormais réduits à néant par la crise d'adulescence d'un rappeur impatient, envieux et jaloux de l'explosion médiatique et commerciale de groupes comme Sexion d'Assaut et 1995. Ayant estimé qu'Allmade était incapable de conduire sa carrière à bien, le rappeur aux dents longues s'est mis en tête de se séparer de ses mères couveuses en signant chez... K-Maro. Tout cela dans l'optique d'arriver plus rapidement à ses fins.

Je me rappelle que Black Kent m'avait envoyé un e-mail pour me parler de mes dessins manga en 2009. C'est le seul contact que j'ai jamais eu avec lui. Bien qu'ayant des connaissances en commun avec Driver, je ne l'ai jamais rencontré ni même parlé. De fait, ma prise de position quant à cette triste histoire n'est pas intéressée et ne se base en aucun cas sur des rapports amour / haine. Je tenais juste à faire part de mon soutien à Allmade dans cette triste affaire.

Je vous invite à vous faire également un avis sur cette histoire en prenant connaissance des différents éléments ayant construit cette histoire. Merci de votre attention.

Driver d'Allmade devant les caméras de N-Da-Hood s'explique quant à la situation:

La réponse de Black Kent au communiqué de ses anciens associés:

Driver dément les propos de son ancien poulain:

mercredi 23 novembre 2011

New prints: Shade Sheist & Soopafly artworks

Yiha! I'm back with 2 new prints available in very high quality on FineArtAmerica! You remember I did draw for rap artists Shade Sheist and Soopafly? Here there are:

Thanks ^^


Buy my prints on FineArtAmerica ^^

Here we are! Another step done to introduce you my prints! All my major (I don't really like that word, mmh) drawings are now available on my FineArtAmerica official page.

If you're interested in purchasing my manga illustrations on high quality canvas prints, framed prints, acrylic prints, greeting cards... be sure to check it ^^.

Thanks for your attention and your financial support!

And don't forget my prints are also available on deviantArt !

jeudi 17 novembre 2011

Bayonetta: the hottest sexy videogame character ever?...

Everything is in the title! I bought Bayonetta on PS3 a  couple of days ago. I didn't expect anything since the game was really cheap and dropped in 2009. "Alright, another Devil May Cry-like", that's what I thought. But, wow, Bayonetta is indeed a real surprise. I admit I didn't like the atmosphere at first, it's like a mix between medieval and modern Europe with a big touch of mysticism. Plus the presence of many characters with a very special design didn't help me to appreciate the game.

But right now, this whole mess (yeah, we can say that) reminds me of the Shadow Hearts serie and I kinda like it! But if I'm really addicted to the game right now, it's all thanks to the incredibly sexy Bayonetta!... That sorceress does know how to fight, move... I'm sorry, her suggestive poses just drive me nuts!!!! I really like videogames characters such as Mai Shiranui (King Of Fighters), Ayane (Dead Or Alive), Tifa (Final Fantasy VII), but Bayonetta is on a whole another level!

Yeah, maybe she's the hottest videogame character ever... I'm such a sukebe hehe :D

samedi 12 novembre 2011

Buy my prints on Fine Art America

Hi there people! Since I'm always on my grind, especially lately, I'm always looking for different ways to promote my stuffs and earn some money as well! So if you want to buy printed version of my artworks, they're now available on Fine Art America as well! I did the same deal on devianArt, but I try to be global and touch as many people as possible.

Please take a look at my prints on FAA and dA, maybe you'll find something you like ^^

The great thing is that I can add the FAA application on my Facebook fan page! Which means there's a shopping cart on my FB fan page! Great isn't it?

Thanks for your attention ;)

"Aku Soku Zan" (Sketch)

In making order in my computer, I just found some very old pictures including that first sketch of my "Aku Soku Zan" artwork. If the character in the middle is exactly the same in the final version (Saitou Hajime) it's not the case concerning the samurai on the left (Harada Sanosuke). I don't know exactly why I decided to draw Harada in a different pose... Mysterious isn't it?


jeudi 10 novembre 2011

FanArt's selection of the week with Pixidols - by Manga news

What a good surprise! My Sailor Moon's fanart of Sailor Mercury (Mizuno Ami) been selected by and as one of the best artwork of the week ^^.

You can take a look over there, even if it's in French! And thank you so much for the nice comments !

There's just one mistake: I'm Swiss, not French :D

mercredi 9 novembre 2011

MOVE: B-Boy (Sketch)

Yep people! Here's the 2nd sketch for the Hip-Hop dance event MOVE. Stay tuned haha!

Do not forget the 1st one ;).

Heavy D RIP...

2011 is such a bad year for great Hip-Hop artists. After the death of icons such as Nate Dogg and DJ Mehdi, now it's Heavy D's turn. Singer and former leader of Heavy D & The Boyz, Heavy D was one of the first (if not the first) person who built a bridge between Rap and R&B. This formula definitely changed the game.

Please take a listen to his work throughout the years in downloading this mixtape courtesy of

1. Heavy D & The Boyz – 1. GIRL’Z THEY LOVE ME
3. Heavy D & The Boyz – 3. MR. BIG STUFF
4. Heavy D & The Boyz – 4. IS IT GOOD TO YOU
5. Heavy D & The Boyz – 5. SOMEBODY FOR ME
7. Heavy D & The Boyz – 7. YOU CAN’T SEE, WHAT I CAN SEE
8. Heavy D & The Boyz – 8. SEX WIT YOU
9. Heavy D & The Boyz – 9. NUTTIN BUT LOVE
10. Heavy D & The Boyz – 10. PEACEFUL JOURNEY
11. Heavy D & The Boyz – 11. BLACK COFFEE
12. Heavy D & The Boyz FEAT. LEVERT – 12. JUST COOL’IN
13. Heavy D & The Boyz – 13. BIG DADDY
14. Heavy D & The Boyz – 14. GOT ME WAITING
15. Heavy D & The Boyz – 15. WE GOT OUR OWN THANG
16. Heavy D & The Boyz – 16. NOW THAT WE FOUND LOVE

samedi 5 novembre 2011

mardi 1 novembre 2011

"Got That Fire" Video Shoot

Here are some pics I took during the video shoot of the upcoming video clip "Got That Fire" featuring Soul/Funk singer Enois Scroggins, Crips members/rappers Ecay Uno and C-Band, and Swiss talkboxer Don-Is

The song is produced by ChromatikS and the video clip is made by Chispa Prod. Stay tuned cuz the video is gonna drop in a few!