I wouldn't say money "buy" happiness. But at least it helps you to get it, that's for sure.
Frankly I'm not ashamed to tell it: I love money. Because without it they are a lot of things I wouldn't be able to do and have. Traveling is one of my biggest passion. Without dough, there are no travels. It's as simple and stupid as that. And without cash there's no way for me to take care of my family and all the people I love. Time to be a little bit realistic sometimes. Money doesn't grow on trees.
When my parents arrived in Switzerland, they weren't rich at all. They were only students, had to work a lot and their efforts finally paid. I had the chance to enjoy an incredible childhood thanks to their love, education, and of course the fact they had enough money to spoil me. Sorry guys, but that shit definitely counts.
Go ask a little Ethiopian boy if money can buy happiness or not. Go ask any poor people the same question. Only you guys who always had the chance to live a fancy and unaware life think that money can't buy happiness. My family doesn't have the same background.
If money doesn't buy happiness, it's at least a very big part of it. Time to recognize.